Exeter's Skincare Specialists Raise £2347 for Cancer Research UK

Exeter’s South West Dermatologist and medical colleagues helped to raise an incredible £2347 for Cancer Research UK as part of a mole check event on Saturday 1st June 2019 at Exeter Medical in Admiral House.

Overall some 178 members of the public had their moles checked by Dr Downs and his team.

26% of those that attended were worried they had skin cancer and 5.3% did not trust their GPs opinion. 95% of patients were reassured and left relaxed following this healthcare intervention - despite the fact 16% were referred on for surgery.

Dr Tony Downs FCRP commented:

“I would like to thank everyone involved in making the event a success; and for all those who attended on the day raising money for such a worthwhile cause. Our charity mole check event really is growing year-on-year, helping to reassure some and offer support and advice to others. 

Out of the 178 people who attended, several diagnosis were made, some of which were malignant melanomas requiring immediate treatment. Everyone needing to access treatment will quickly receive the necessary advice and support either from their GP or ourselves.”

South West Dermatology Thank you Charity Mole Check Event in aid of Cancer Research UK Circle

Melanoma is a cancer that usually starts in the skin, either in a mole or normal-looking skin. The number of people developing melanoma is continuing to rise. 1 in 54 people will be diagnosed with malignant melanoma during their lifetime.

Regularly checking your skin (no matter how young or old you are) can help lead to an early diagnosis and increase your chances of successful treatment.

If you are worried about a suspicious mole then please call Ros on 01392 350053 or get in touch online for a full body mole check or speak to your GP as soon as possible.

Book a consultation

Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Devon (Exeter) 
Call Sarah on 01392 350059
Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Cornwall (Truro)
Call Angela on 07421 022801
Appointments with
Dr Christopher Bower in Exeter (Exeter Nuffield)
Call Ros on 07838 293968

For non-urgent enquiries get in touch online

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The South West’s premier independent dermatology & skin clinic. Our Consultant Dermatologists diagnose & treat a range of skin conditions in Exeter, Devon and Truro in Cornwall.
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