Skin Allergies with Patch Testing service

In the diagnosis of some skin allergies and conditions it can be useful to do a patch test on your skin.

A patch test can help us find the cause of a possible allergic reaction on the skin. This reaction is called allergic contact dermatitis.

Patch tests detect the type of allergy which is due to direct skin contact with things outside the body. It does not detect allergies related to diet or inhalation which might produce sneezing, asthma or hives.

This investigation allows for the identification of common chemicals and molecules that cause allergic contact dermatitis. We use the European Standard Battery of 36 individual chemicals.

Patches are applied usually on the upper back and must be kept dry.

This investigation will not identify less common contact allergies and these tests do require an experienced Dermatologist to interpret their significance. Testing for rare contact allergies is often limited to supra-specialist NHS Dermatology units.

How is the patch test done?

The substances to be tested will be applied in small containers to your back and the sites marked with ink. The patches are stuck on your back and do not involve any injections. The patches stay in place for two days and are removed on the second visit when initial results are taken. The sites may itch, this is normal. More patches may be put on your back at this stage.

It may be necessary to expose part of your back to ultraviolet light if we suspect a light-induced contact allergy (‘Photopatch testing’). The final results are read on the third visit and the doctor will talk to you about them. The second and third visits should take no longer than half an hour. It is advisable to bring a book.

It is possible that your patch tests will be negative. This is helpful since, as far as we can, we have eliminated contact allergy as a cause of your skin problem. Positive reactions become red and itchy at the test site and usually appear by the third reading, although they can occasionally take longer. If you do develop a late reaction, please contact us.

Sometimes substances may stain the skin, this is normal.

Before the tests

  • If you have eczema on your back, the tests cannot be done.
  • Do not sunbathe or use a sun lamp for two weeks.
  • If you are taking steroid tablets we may not be able to do the tests.

When you come to us please bring:

  • A list of medication – any prescribed drugs you are taking.
  • All creams and ointments you use, including over the counter creams.
  • Small quantities of any item with which you are in contact either at home or at work and to which you maybe allergic eg make-up, cream, perfumes, gloves, shoes, plant leaves (with the name of the plant) etc.

Please bring samples either in the original container or in screw top, airtight container clearly labelled to say what it is and your name.

Patch Testing service cost

Typically and excluding your initial consultation fee, a charge of £150 is invoiced on application of the patch tests and a further £130 at review of the patch tests at a follow-up consultation a few days later.

1st Appointment


2nd Appointment
Patch test put on


3rd Appointment
Reading & Result


Call Ros today on 07838 293968 to book a patch test consultation with one of our Consultant Dermatologist. For further information call us or use our online form.

Book a consultation

Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Devon (Exeter) 
Call Sarah on 01392 350059
Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Cornwall (Truro)
Call Angela on 07421 022801
Appointments with
Dr Christopher Bower in Exeter (Exeter Nuffield)
Call Ros on 07838 293968

For non-urgent enquiries get in touch online

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The South West’s premier independent dermatology & skin clinic. Our Consultant Dermatologists diagnose & treat a range of skin conditions in Exeter, Devon and Truro in Cornwall.
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