American Academy of Dermatology Meeting 2022

Anthony Downs, Consultant Dermatologist at AAD Annual Meeting, Boston

Consultant Dermatologist Anthony Downs attended the American Academy of Dermatology meeting in a very chilly Boston, America at the end of March 2022.

It has been two years since the meeting has been face to face and it was great for dermatologist and medical skincare professionals to re-connect with old friends and colleagues who practice dermatology in America and across the world at this international meeting.

The meeting is an important annual event for doctors that want to hear about new imminent treatments and clinical research developments in dermatology and essential continuous professional development for our skin experts.

Dr. Anthony Downs brought back many useful tips and advice that can be applied to his patients at home in the South West of England.

Hot topics in this year's AAD meeting focused around emerging eczema treatments and the relentless rise of skin cancer.

Dr Tony Downs offers advice for patients with dermatological conditions in relation to the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Patients taking medication for their condition

Covid19 may theoretically result in a more severe infection in patients that take a medication where an annual flu vaccination is routinely recommended.

In Dermatology, this would be:

Azathioprine, ciclosporin, methotrexate, mycophenolate, fumaric acid esters, apremalist and biologic agents for psoriasis or hidradenitis (but not for eczema).

New or existing patients should be aware and consider stopping/suspending or deferring treatment to a later date, with the understanding that their skin condition will most likely deteriorate.

Patients with dry scaly skin conditions

Over and above government advice on hand washing and reducing coronavirus transmission, people with dry scaly skin conditions such as eczema and psoriasis may wish to follow the additional advice:

  1. There is no evidence that dry scaly skin conditions such as eczema or psoriasis are more likely to acquiring or transmit coronavirus
  2. Topical medications such as emollients or steroids should not be shared between individuals. There is no evidence to suggest their regular use on the skin increases the risk of acquiring or transmitting coronavirus. However, wash your hands before you apply your treatment creams to your skin.
  3. Alcohol gel and frequent soap and water hand washing will aggravate some people with hand eczema. To reduce the need to hand wash, wear disposable non-powdered gloves, but change them if your hands become sweaty underneath the gloves. Also carry around your own hand cream to moisturise your hands after you have washed them.
  4. Soap substitutes may not be as good as ordinary soap at killing coronavirus when hand washing.

Dr Downs is able to see patients remotely via a private phone/video consultation during this pandemic.

Book a consultation

Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Devon (Exeter) 
Call Sarah on 01392 350059
Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Cornwall (Truro)
Call Angela on 07421 022801
Appointments with
Dr Christopher Bower in Exeter (Exeter Nuffield)
Call Ros on 07838 293968

For non-urgent enquiries get in touch online

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