Dr. Downs & Dr. Bower go virtual for online conferences & webinars

In addition to seeing and treating patients, as the world adjust to the 'new normal' post COVID-19, Dr. Anthony Downs & Dr. Christoper Bower have been busy co-hosting and providing lectures online for:

British Association of Dermatologist - healthy skin for all logo cropped

British Association of Dermatologist 100th annual meeting

The British Association of Dermatologist 100th annual meeting was launched as a virtual conference on 1st September.

Dr. Anthony Downs & Dr. Christopher Bower both recorded lectures for this yearly meeting with online attendees both from the UK and worldwide.

The meetings enable dermatologist to share practical tips on managing patients and learn about break through treatments and research. The virtual platform lacked the human element that allows for challenge and debate, but it keeps the momentum of continuous professional development that is so important for all healthcare professional who work in the field of dermatology.

British Association of Dermatologist - healthy skin for all logo cropped

SCE: Dermatology Registrars' Meeting

Dr. Anthony Downs & Dr. Christopher Bower also co-hosted the SCE Dermatology Registrars Meeting as a live webinar conference in August. The event was sponsored by Jansen-Cilag and badged by the British Association of Dermatologists.

A lot of organisation and technical planning went into hosting this on-line webinar, driven by the current pandemic circumstance, but the meeting was well attended and went smoothly.

The meeting helps dermatology trainees pass their exam on the way to becoming dermatology consultants.

Dr. Downs & Dr. Bower have run this revision course for 10 years and it is extremely well regarded quality event and always over-subscribed.

Running these type of events, both on location and/or online, ensure our dermatologist keep up-to-date and one step ahead of the Royal College of Physicians who set the challenging and difficult exam each year.

Book a consultation

Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Devon (Exeter) 
Call Sarah on 01392 350059
Dr Anthony Downs Exeter Consultant Dermatologist & skin expert Devon
Appointments with
Dr Anthony Downs in Cornwall (Truro)
Call Angela on 07421 022801
Appointments with
Dr Christopher Bower in Exeter (Exeter Nuffield)
Call Ros on 07838 293968

For non-urgent enquiries get in touch online

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The South West’s premier independent dermatology & skin clinic. Our Consultant Dermatologists diagnose & treat a range of skin conditions in Exeter, Devon and Truro in Cornwall.
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